Disability Services

The Office of Academic Skills provides disability access information, support, and accommodations for individuals with disabilities on campus. Our mission is to ensure that all students, employees, and visitors have equal access to programs and services available at Washington College.

Disability Services
Office of Academic Skills

Returning Students

Login to Accommodate 

Accommodations Process

Accessibility accommodations may be requested at any time, incoming students should submit their requests as soon as they have been assigned a student ID# and college email address. Incoming Fall students typically start to submit requests in June. Incoming Spring students submit their requests in January.

It is important to note that accessibility accommodations are not retroactive and some accommodations and auxiliary aids, such as digital textbooks or other assistive technologies could take longer to arrange. 

Please also note that the submission of documentation from a healthcare provider only does not automatically approve an accommodation. Accommodations are not considered approved until a meeting has taken place, documentation has been reviewed, and the student has received the Official Letter of Accommodation.

Accommodation requests are considered on an individual basis through an interactive process. 

Step 1: Complete the Public Accommodation Request form.

Step 2: Provide supporting documentation (see guidelines below) using one of the following methods:

(a) Submit neuropsychological or psychoeducational reports by attaching it to the request form or using the contact information below.


(b) Have your health care provider submit the Accessibility Accommodation Documentation form directly to the Office of Academic Skills using the contact information below:

The Office of Academic Skills Washington College | 300 Washington Avenue | Chestertown, MD 21620 Phone: 410.778.7860 | FAX: 410.778.7884 | oasFREEwashcoll%C2%A0

Step 3: Once we receive the form and the supporting documentation*, you will be contacted via email with instructions for scheduling an initial meeting.

Step 4: During the initial meeting, your accommodation requests and the supporting documentation will be discussed with you. 

Step 5: After the initial meeting, you will receive a decision letter outlining approved accommodations and information pertinent to your accommodation request.

*You will be contacted if we need more information from you or your diagnostician/healthcare provider. 

Appeals and Grievance Policy

If you wish to appeal your accommodation decision, please provide a written account of your concern to the Provost, Dr. Kiho Kim (kkim2FREEwashcoll).  In your written account, please include the following:

  • Name and contact information for individual seeking appeal
  • Timeline of events
  • Description of relevant facts
  • Include the pertinent/relevant documentation
  • Statement of the issues and/or problem
  • Remedy Request
  • Signature of Individual Seeking Appeal

504/ADA Discrimination Complaints

Section 504/ADA Information

Washington College encourages anyone who has experienced any form of discrimination or harassment to report the incident promptly, to seek all available assistance, and to pursue remedies available through campus judicial or grievance processes. Complainants are also encouraged to report incidents to local, state and/or federal authorities or offices charged with handling unlawful discrimination or harassment. Please click here for more information. 


If you need to request any documents on this webpage in an alternative accessible format (Braille, digital, audio, or large print) please contact the Office of Academic Skills at 410.778.7860 or ..

If you have difficulty accessing any portions of 6gjs.yibangyi.net with adaptive technology, please contact William De Reza at .